Privacy Policy

Learn what's inside.

We value your privacy. It is our goal for users to make informed decisions about app purchases. Information about ads, in-app purchase, social media, analytics and data collection will be provided here, as well as in the app store descriptions for each app.

Lists for Writers 

  • Uses Restricted Features Set of Flurry’s Analytics.
  • Does not contain ads, in app purchase, or social media integration.

Name Dice (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)

  • Uses Google analytics and ads through Firebase and AdMob services.
  • Does not contain any in app purchases or social media integration.

Name Dice (NOOK, Windows Phone)

  • Uses Restricted Features Set of Flurry’s Analytics.
  • Does not contain any ads, in app purchases or social media integration.

Name Dice (Google Play, Amazon, BlackBerry)

  • Uses Restricted Features Set of Flurry’s Analytics.
  • Does not contain any in app purchases or social media integration.
  • Uses Google’s AdMob advertising service. AdMob’s privacy policy is available at Note that Name Dice does not use AdMob’s optional GPS/location-based ad targeting.


  • Does not collect or share personal information or use analytics software.
  • Does not contain ads, in app purchase, or social media integration.

Spooky Story Dice

  • Uses Restricted Features Set of Flurry’s Analytics.
  • Does not contain ads, in app purchase, or social media integration.

Sports Cards Series (Baseball Card Pro, Softball Card Pro, Basketball Card Pro, Soccer Card Pro, Football Card Pro)

  • Intended for ages 13 and up due to social media integration.
  • Allows users to send images via Facebook and email.
  • When used with Facebook®, the app does access user contact information with permission in order to post a message.
  • User generated messages are stored on Facebook® servers.
  • We do not collect or share information.

Spy Tools for Kids

  • Allows users to send Disguise Kit, False Identification, and Night Vision images to the device photo library once the user provides the app with permission to access the photo library. These images are stored on the device.
  • We do not collect or share information.
  • There is a parent gate before accessing links for feedback, reviews, and more information.

Story Dice

  • Uses Restricted Features Set of Flurry’s Analytics.
  • Does not contain ads, in app purchase, or social media integration.

Story Spark

  • Does not collect or share personal information or use analytics software.
  • Does not contain ads, in app purchase, or social media integration.

Our website uses Google Analytics® to monitor website traffic.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require additional information.

2 thoughts on “Privacy Policy

  1. I purchased your picture dice app as a way to spark creativity in writing. It seems to be a great tool, but I don’t think it works correctly with the “Mi” phone. There is no menu – I only get 2 dice that change when I touch the screen – there is no other functionality at all. Is there anything I can do about this?

    • Hi Mike!

      Thank you for purchasing Story Dice. On Android phones, the menu is found not on the screen, but using the lower left touch menu right outside the screen. Please let me know if that works for you.

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