Our first app is almost ready!

Lists for Writers icon

On this remarkable Leap Day, 2012, our first app, Lists for Writers, has been submitted to the iTunes store for review. We are very excited and can’t wait to share this writer’s tool with you!

Writing projects are near and dear to our heart when they are finished, but sometimes getting started really puts in a wrinkle in our disposition. Staring at an empty page with no ideas is nothing short of torture. Reduce your time spent on the blank page by browsing the lists in Lists for Writers and jotting down a few random items. (See what I came up with!)

This has been an exciting journey from the very moment we decided to start our own business! We hope you enjoy our first app and many more to come!

Naming a Company

We struggled quite a bit to come up with a name for our company. We didn’t want to be just another something-alicious or a disemvoweled name. We played for a while with Markov chain word generators but never could find a name that we really liked. We then turned to mind-mapping words and trying different combinations. Adding silly endings, including -alicious, finally resulted in a couple of candidates. We ultimately selected Thinkamingo. We quickly registered the domain and created matching user ids at most of the online services we were interested in.